Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Pretty Little Liars 4x13 "Grave New World" Recap , and What To Think

Sorry for the super late post, here it goes:

Dressed in their costumes, Aria, Hanna, Emily and Spencer make their way into the graveyard party. Emily is hesitant to continue on—she isn’t sure she is ready to see Alison, but Aria says that they already have. With that, they all walk through the graveyard’s gates. Hanna spots two blonde haired little girls wearing red coats. Ezra calls Aria to ask where she is and to be careful—and we see that he is at the graveyard, too, wearing a gas mask costume.

QmIpTcRMeanwhile, Caleb sits on the bus headed for Ravenswood. He is alone except for a mysterious man sitting at the back of the bus and a girl sitting next to him. They make small talk, and she introduces herself as Miranda. She is on her way to Ravenswood as well, and explains that she has been a foster child for most of her life, and she is going to Ravenswood to meet her uncle for the very first time. Caleb mentions that he is a foster child as well.
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Back at the party, the four girls are gathered in the tent, wondering why Ali would go to a party like this. They spot a strange person dressed in a gas mask costume, similar to the one they found in A’s lair. He is with a girl as well, and they talk to each other in low voices. As Spencer spies on him, Aria and Emily follow the girl as she walks out of the tent, but Emily is stopped by Mrs. Grunwald, who tells her that they should all leave. Meanwhile, Hanna once again sees the strange blonde girls in red coats.
Still on the bus, Caleb calls Hanna, but she won’t answer her phone. He tells Miranda Hanna is his girlfriend, and then they discuss Miranda’s uncle, who doesn’t know Miranda will be coming.
Alone, Aria follows the girl and helps her out of an empty grave, which she had fallen into. Aria questions if she was pushed by the man she was with earlier, but she says that is her cousin and that he wasn’t behind this. Her cousin arrives, tells her that the graveyard isn’t safe and the leave. Emily and Spencer meet up and briefly look for Hanna and Aria, but they all find each other.
As they walk through the graveyard, they spot Red Coat running into a tomb. They all quickly chase after her, but once they get there, she is gone. They spot an area that has no leaves, so they push away a statue, which reveals a hidden pathway of tunnels down under the graveyard. They walk down into them, and then the secret door shuts, trapping them in the tunnels. Panicked, they make their way through the tunnels, one of which is very windy. They all hold hands and stand against the wall, but Hanna gets separated from the group.
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She walks the tunnels alone, searching for the others, when she sees a sign written red on the wall, saying “HELP ME”. She drops her hat and runs, finally finding a stairwell that leads to a door. She opens the door and finds herself in a dusty old mansion. She hesitates but continues onward, and we see that she is being followed by someone wearing the gas mask suit.

Caleb and Miranda arrive in Ravenswood and say farewell at the graveyard, and Miranda arrives at her uncle’s mansion—the same one that Hanna is in. Hanna walks through the halls of the house and finally finds a phone booth. She steps inside, and someone locks her in. She tries using the phone, but it is just a prank phone, and she realizes that she is locked in. Strange candles/lights approach the phone booth, but they quickly go out and Hanna sees Ali and the gas masked man approaching through the foggy glass. However, as soon as they get close, they disappear, which may mean that Hanna was just imagining it.
Meanwhile, Spencer, Aria and Emily make their way into the house from the tunnels, looking for Hanna. They hear what they think is Alison talking, and Spencer runs off to look for her, and Aria and Emily lose her.
Miranda finds Hanna in the phone booth and lets her out. They introduce themselves and Miranda realizes that Hanna is Caleb’s girlfriend. They make their way through the house, looking for an exit, until they find a room full of coffins. Miranda remembers being in this room with her uncle at her parents’ funeral, and realizes that her uncle had abandoned her there.
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Spencer walks into a greenhouse area of the house, and finds the man in the gas mask. They have a brief fight, and Spencer is knocked out before she can pull of his mask, and he flees. Miranda and Hanna finally find their way out of the house and go to the graveyard where Caleb was. Caleb finds them, and Hanna tells Caleb that she thinks A may have Ali. She leads both of them to the tomb where the entrance to the tunnels was, but it is sealed shut. Miranda, meanwhile, finds a gravestone with her name and face on it, and she is baffled.
Aria and Emily find Spencer in the greenhouse and wake her up, and they quickly run out of the room, following Ali’s voice. They follow it into a room, and see that it wasn’t Ali’s voice at all, but just a recording. Mrs. Grunwald walks in and tells them that they shouldn’t be in there. The girls say that they think they followed Alison into the house, and Mrs. Grunwald reveals that the tape was a recording of one of Ali’s sessions with her. Six months before, the tapes were stolen, and Mrs. Grunwald gets a bad feeling—that Emily, Aria, or Spencer has touched the one Alison fears the most. They leave the house and return to their car, and they find that their tires have been slashed.
Caleb and Hanna are about to rejoin the girls and leave Miranda. They invite her back to Rosewood and offer her to stay with Hanna, but Miranda refuses because she still has questions for her uncle. Hanna tells Caleb to stay with Miranda to make sure she stays safe. They kiss and bid farewell. As Hanna walks back to the car, she sees the two blonde girls once again—although, it is revealed that one is really a short man dressed as a little girl.
Hanna rejoins the girls just as Ezra arrives and offers them all a ride home. They drive back to Rosewood and get out of the car. Once Ezra has driven away, they spot Red Coat staring at them in the woods. She runs away, and they chase her back to Spencer’s barn, where she stops and pulls down her hood.
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She turns around, and it is Alison, alive and well. She looks nervous, and she greets them with shaky “Did you miss me?” The girls are all overcome with shock and joy, and Aria says that it really was her that lead them to the lair and around Ravenswood.

Ali looks back into the woods and sees a light, and says that she doesn’t have much time and that it isn’t safe for her to be in Rosewood. They beg her not to leave again, and Ali says that she wants to come home, but she needs their help. Spencer asks who she is afraid of, but all Ali does is tell Hanna to remember what she told her in the hospital after she was hit by the car. Hanna is shocked as she realizes that their encounter wasn’t a dream at all.
In the final scene, Caleb and Miranda walk through the graveyard and find a tombstone with Caleb’s name and picture on it.

And there it is, sorry again for the super late post, and wait for the winter premiere!
okay, here is what i think about EzrA, do you see the scene when Spencer fight with A? She hurt his right hand, right? and then Ezra shows up with his hands hidden in pocket, and gave Aria's phone with his left hand, and we also know that A is Left Handed, so Ezra is 85%  is "Big A" , i s that clear?. What i think about Cece? okay this is frequently asked question to my facebook. When i saw her fight with Aria, its awesome dude!! , and about how she missing like that? she get up and leave, that's what i think. Why? Because do you see her finger move? yeah, she get up, and hello??!! do you hear Hanna? "THAT BITCH HAS NINE LIVES" that's the memorable quote. Okay maybe it's enough because i don't want to come with spoiler, maybe you can ask me something about PLL #WhatToThink to my twitter @farah_raven21, and i will answer your qiestion as soon as possible, and i have a huge of spoiler,i will post it immidiately at PLL wikia, okay, see ya!!

Here is one from PLL Winter premiere

Source: http://pretty-little-liars.wikia.com/

Pengertian dan Jenis - Jenis Topologi Jaringan

Topologi jaringan adalah suatu aturan atau cara untuk menghubungkan komputer yang satu dengan komputer yang lainnya sehingga membentuk suatu jaringan. Topologi jaringan juga dapat didefinisikan sebagai gambaran secara fisik dari pola hubungan antara komponen jaringan, yang meliputi Server, Workstation, Hub,dan LAN
Pengertian dan Jenis-jenis Topologi Jaringan - Feriantnao.com

Dalam pemilihan topologi harus dipertembangkan pada beberapa faktor, hal ini akan mempengaruhi kualitas, efektivitas dan efisiensi juga, faktor-faktor tersebut diantaranya sebagai berikut :

  1. Biaya
  2. Kecepatan
  3. Lingkungan
  4. Ukuran
  5. Konektivitas

Topologi jaringan sendiri terbagi menjadi dua yaitu:

  1. Physical. Merupakan gambaran fisik dari hubungan antara perangkat (komputer, server, hub, switch, dan kabel jaringan) yang membentuk suatu pola khusus
  2. Logical. Merupakan gambaran bagaimana suatu perangkat dapatberkomunikasi dengan perangkat lainnya.

Berikut jenis-jenis topologi jaringan:

1. Topologi BUS

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Pada topologi Bus semua komputer dihubungkan secara langsung pada media transmisi dengan konfigurasi yang disebut Bus. Kebel untuk menghubungkan jaringan ini biasanya menggunakan kebel koaksial. Setiap Server dan Workstation yang disambungkan pada Bus menggunakan konektor T (T-Connector). Pada kedua ujung kabel harus diberi Terminator berupa Resistor yang memiliki resistansi khusus sebesar 50 Ohm yang berwujud sebuah konektor, bila resistansi dibawah maupun diatas 50 Ohm, maka Server tidak akan bisa bekerja secara maksimal dalam melayani jaringan, sehingga akses User atau Client menjadi menurun. Sekarang ini, topologi bus sering digunakan backbone (jalur utama), dengan menggunakan kabel Fiber Optik sebagai media transmisi.

Keunggulan topologi Bus:

  1. Penggunaan kabel sedikit, sehingga terlihat sederhana dan hemat biaya.
  2. Pengembangan menjadi mudah.

Kelemahan topologi Bus:

  1. Jaringan akan terganggu bila salah satu komputer rusak.
  2. Jika tingkat traffic tinggi dapat menyebabkan kemacetan.
  3. Membutuhkan Repeater untuk jarak jaringan yang terlalu jauh (jika menggunakan kabel coaxial).
  4. Bila terjadi gangguan yang terlalu serius, maka proses pengiriman data menjadi lambat karena lalu lintas jaringan penuh dan padat akibat tidak ada pengontrol User.
  5. Deteksi kesalahan sangat kecil, sehingga bila terjadi gangguan maka sulit sekali mencari kesalahan tersebut.

2. Topologi Star

Pengertian dan Jenis-jenis Topologi Jaringan - Feriantnao.com

Pada Topologi jaringan Star, setiap Workstation dihubungkan dengan menggunakan alat penghubung terpusat atau yang disebut dengan konsentrator. Masing – masing Workstation tidak saling berhubungan. Jadi setiap Workstation yang terhubung ke konsentrator tidak akan dapat berinteraksi atau berkomunikasi sebelum konsentrator dihidupkan. Bila Konsentrator dimatikan, maka seluruh koneksi jaringan akan terputus. Bila dibandingkan dengan sistem topologi jaringan Bus, sistem ini mempunyai tingkat kerumitan jaringan yang lebih sederhana, hanya saja pada sistem ini membutuhkan konsentrator.

Keunggulan topologi Star:

  1. Fleksibel dalam hal pemasangan jaringan baru, tanpa mempengaruhi jaringan yang sudah ada sebelumnya.
  2. Bila salah satu kabel koneksi User putus, maka hanya komputer  User yang bersangkutan saja yang tidak berfungsi dan tidak mempengaruhi User yang lain (keseluruhan hubungan jaringan masih tetap bekerja).
Kelemahan topologi Star:
  1. Boros dalam pemakaian kabel, jika dihubungkan dengan jaringan yang lebih besar dan luas.
  2. Bila pengiriman data secara bersamaan waktunya, dapat terjadi Collision.

3. Topologi Ring

Pengertian dan Jenis-jenis Topologi Jaringan - Feriantnao.com

Untuk membentuk jaringan cincin, setiap sentral harus dihubungkan seri satu dengan yang lain dan hubungan ini akan membentuk Loop tertutup. Dalam sistem ini setiap sentral harus dirancang agar dapat berinteraksi dengan sentral yang berdekatan maupun berjauhan. Dengan demikian topologi ini memiliki kemampuan melakukan Switching ke berbagai arah Workstation. Keuntungan dari topologi jaringan ini antara lain adalah tingkat kerumitan jaringan rendah (sederhana). Topologi ini sering digunakan untuk jaringan yang luas pada satu kota dengan menggunakan media transmisi kabel fiber optik, misalnya untuk menghubungkan beberapa ISP pusat dan cabang dalam satu kota.

Keunggulan topologi Ring:

  1. Hemat kabel.
  2. Untuk membangun jaringan dengan topologi ini lebih murah bila dibandingkan dengan topologi Star.
Kelemahan topologi Ring:
  1. Sangat peka terhadap kesalahan jaringan.
  2. Sukar untuk mengembangkan jaringan, sehingga jaringan tersebut nampak menjadi kaku.
  3. Biaya pemasangan lebih besar.

4. Topologi Tree

Pengertian dan Jenis-jenis Topologi Jaringan - Feriantnao.com

Topologi Tree atau juga disebut sebagai topologi jaringan bertingkat. Topologi ini biasanya digunakan untuk interkoneksi antar sentral dengan susunan yang berbeda. Topologi Tree merupakan pengembangan dari topologi Star. Pada topologi Tree setiap tingkai atau Node akan dihubungakan pada pusat atau konsentrator (Hub atau Switch) yang berada pada awal Trafic rangkaian.

Pada dasarnya, topologi Tree merupakan gabungan dari beberapa topologi Star, sehingga keunggulan dan kelemahan dalam topologi ini hampir sama dengan topologi Star.

Keunggulan topologi Tree:

  1. Mudah dalam pengembangan jaringan.
  2. Mudah dalam mendeteksi kerusakan.
  3. Jika salah satu kabel sub-Node, maka sub-Node yang lain tidak akan terganggu.

Kelemahan topologi Tree:

  1. Jika salah satu konsentrator atau sentral Node mengalami kerusakan, maka sub-Node yang ada dibawahnya akan terganggu.
5. Topologi Mesh
Pengertian dan Jenis-jenis Topologi Jaringan - Feriantnao.com

Topologi Mesh merupakan topologi yang dibangun dengan memasang Link diantara semua Node. Topologi jaringan ini menerapkan hubungan antar sentral secara penuh atau Fully-Connected Mesh, yaitu sebuah jaringan dimana setiap Node terhubung langsung ke semua Node yang lain. Jumlah saluran atau Link yang harus disediakan untuk membentuk jaringan topologi Mesh adalah jumlah Node (Station) dikurang 1 (n-1, n = Jumlah Node). Misal, jika semua Node dalam jaringan terdapat 5 Node, maka setiap Node harus me-Link (menyambung) ke 4 Node lainnya.

Topologi Mesh biasanya digunakan pada ISP (Internet Service Provider) untuk memastikan bila terjadi kerusakan pada salah satu sistem komputer maka tidak akan mengganggu hubungan jaringan dengan sistem komputer lain dalam jaringan.

Keunggulan topologi Mesh:

  1. Topologi Mesh memiliki tingkat Redundancy yang tinggi, sehingga jika terdapat satu Link yang rusak maka suatu Node (Station) dapat mencari Link yang lainnya.
Kelemahan topologi Mesh:
  1. Membutuhkan biaya yang cukup besar, karena membutuhkan banyak kabel, setiap Node harus dipasang LAN Card sebanyak n-1 (n=Jumlah Node).
  2. Jaringan ini tidak praktis.
