allright, i'm back with another disaster news, i'm watching PLL season 3 and 4 for almost 2 months, i downloaded it from a watch online site, and i open some spoiler website, yeah, but you know what i'm thinking about Red Coat and "A"? I think why they spend so much time just to stalk another people, didn't they don't have time to do something except stalking? and you know, where they get money from that? and from the last episode that i watch "The Mirror has Three Face" , Wren?? is he red coat? i mean,, does he look like a slimmy woman with blond hair? i don't think so,, but if is he "A"? i can ask that question instead of yes, we still don't know what gender is "A".. but i think this ABC family just framing another person, so we don't know what's the ending look like. even yes, why? does he have motive? revenge? for what, he just related to Spencer and Hanna, , Mona? i dont know, maybe she had a secret about him. so just let's wait for this summer finale, i hope the ending not so bad..
Red Coat with emily's mask
Allright, when i watch the episode of "Under The Gun", at first i thought it was Emily but, actually it's not. and why the hell is this person using Emily's face?? and then Ali's mask again, so we can't sure about what colour is the real hair??!! and this person maybe the winner of world champion runner, because when we trying to follow her, she just gone.. hah,, so do that? allright, i'll give you maybe some spoiler action of that. See ya